1. Putting model Knowledge base into operation

    Artikel: AN0002390Aktualisiert: 20.01.2019

    Before you start using Knowledge Base you have to carry out several steps for its first configuration.


    In order Knowledge Base works appropriately Windows service has to run - it is one of steps during ObjectGears installation.

    1. Set yourself as IT owner of the model EasyTask

    In order you can manage the model, you have to be either Administrator (setting is done in element AdminLogins in the file web.config) or IT owner of the model (setting is  done in the model: menu Administration - Models - Models, select model System utilities and set yourself in the field IT owner).

    2. Assigning access rights

    There are following roles working with model Knowledge Base:

    Role Description
    Knowledge Base - Administrator Maintains master data, e.g. Topic and Article categories.
    Knowledge Base - Author Writes Articles.
    Knowledge Base - Reader Displays and evaluates Articles.
    All authenticated users (roles assigned automatically to all users that log on) Same permissions as role Knowledge Base - Reader
    If you do not want to enable all the users working with Knowledge Base, withdraw this role in the detail of page Knowledge Base.

    If you are taking over assignment of roles to users from Active Directory groups, make sure that respective users are also members of the respective Active Directory groups. (Active Directory group is defined in the detail of the ObjectGears role: menu Administration - Access control - Roles).

    If you define membership in roles in ObjectGears, assign the respective role to each user (menu Administration - Users - Users).

    3. Defining Article Authors and Approvers

    Articles can be created in the given topics by defined Authors only. Go to menu Knowledge Base - Topics and select authors for particular topics.

    You can define also Approver, that will receive every new article version in the given topic for approval. You can set this person in Topics. If there is no Approver defined for the given Topic, the article will be approved automatically after submission for approval.

    4. Review of master data

    In order you can modify master data of the model Knowledge Base you have to have the role Knowledge Base - Administrator - see above.

    Model Knowledge Base contains several master data tables (menu Knowledge Base - Topics, Category, Security classification). Set them up according to your needs.
